Welcome to your P2!

This is your brand new team site. ✨

Post updates, ask questions, brainstorm ideas, give feedback — all your team discussion are in one place now. No more losing important thoughts and documents in old email threads! Everything’s here, everything’s searchable.

Bring your team in

Coworkers, clients, family members… You decide who’s on your team! 🙌

Every P2 is private by default: to invite specific people, go to the Invite People area of your dashboard. Their picture will appear on the sidebar of your P2 once they join, so you can put faces to names. Or adjust the Settings to make the whole site public, and let anyone contribute.

Your first post

Use the editor located at the top of the homepage to compose and publish your posts.

Each piece of content you add to a post or comment here is its own block, just like in the general WordPress editor. Paragraphs, quotes, images (or galleries!), snippets of code, embedded content from other sites and services… add and rearrange whatever blocks as you need to communicate exactly what you want.

Just start typing on the editor or click on the + icon to see a list of blocks. Give it a try!

More tips

  • Comments also use the advanced editor giving you endless possibilities to compose your messages. 💬
  • Once your teammates are here, you can mention them using the @ character followed by their username. They’ll get a notification so they don’t miss out on the discussion.
  • Visit My profile to update your name or upload a new profile picture.
  • Check your site settings. Confirm your site's time zone or its privacy settings in the Site settings section.
  • See the "Follow" button at the bottom of this post? You can click it on any post to receive an email every time a new comment is posted.



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Can't not do a title